1st Place Individual Category Winner - #003 - Kari Buchanan
1st Place Branch Category Winner - #036 - Louisiana Branch
1st Place Corporate Category Winner - #012 - AbbVie
1st Place Institution/Organization Category Winner - #045 - Drexel MLAS
"Fan Favorite" Award - #044 - Deanna Below with 484 Facebook "likes"
Best of Show Award - #040 - Kay Laurent
The Mid-Missouri Branch #057 received an Honorable Mention for its creativity!
Check out photos of most all of the snowboard entries here!
A 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, the AALAS Foundation is an advocate for laboratory animal science and research. The future of the profession and biomedical science depends on promoting the benefits of biomedical research through public outreach and ensuring that high-quality training and education programs and materials are available for those working in the profession of laboratory animal science.