What is it?
An award to recognize Branch and Individual AALAS members for their public outreach efforts.
Two Categories:
Branch POE Award – members may submit forms on behalf of Branches for the outwork efforts they do as individuals and/or as part of a Branch event. Branches will receive credit for the outreach efforts of their members and a Branch POE Award recipient will be selected each year.
Individual POE Award – AALAS members submit forms on behalf of outreach efforts they do as individuals and/or as part of a Branch event. AALAS members will receive credit for the outreach efforts they do an Individual POE Award recipient will be selected each year.
Eligible Public Outreach Efforts Timeframe?
The award is based on public outreach efforts conducted during the time frame of September 1st through August 31st, on an annual basis.
Award Selection Criteria?
The AALAS Foundation Branch Committee will make its decision based on photos/articles indicating public outreach events/activities occurring during September 1st through August 31st and submitted by branch members/AALAS members to the AALAS Foundation at foundation@aalas.org.
How to Submit Your Outreach Efforts for Consideration?
Click here to complete and submit our online POE Award Submission form. Please complete a new submission form for each public outreach event/activity. Be sure to email photos of your event to foundation@aalas.org.
Award Presentation?
The Branch and Individual selected to receive the awards will be recognized and each will be presented with a $100 gift card during the AALAS Foundation Appreciation Reception at the AALAS National Meeting.
Email foundation@aalas.org