Our donors are some of the most loyal, generous, and important stakeholders – you help advance medical progress and save lives of millions of people and animals.

We all know that building a solid personal financial plan provides peace of mind and security. You have goals – personal goals, goals for your family, and goals for the impact you make in the field of laboratory animal science.

Just like all of us balance our short-term needs with our long-term goals in life, we encourage our donors to adopt the same approach when building your charitable giving plan.

A planned giving program helps you enjoy tax savings through careful structuring and timing of your donation. While the actual tax benefits are determined by several factors including your tax bracket, the type of gift, etc., careful planning can provide benefits for both you, the donor, and the AALAS Foundation.

Bequests are the most common form of planned gift, with a specific dollar amount named or a residual bequest to the AALAS Foundation. Bequests frequently are used to support an organization’s endowment as a way to help the organization develop a stable funding base for the future. Please consider joining the AALAS Foundation Legacy Society to help our mission and create a lasting legacy to help further the AALAS Foundation’s long-term success.

In this brochure (PDF), you will find giving options to fit any life scenarios. Our guidance is designed to help you build a plan that is responsive to your needs, allows you to achieve your goals, and build your legacy, within the AALAS Foundation and the laboratory animal science community.

Some of the common assets given to charitable organizations include stocks and bonds and mutual funds. If you have other assets you would like to transfer, please contact the AALAS Foundation. Each gift must be evaluated individually, and we will be happy to work with you. The AALAS Foundation has letters of transfer that can be used if you decide to give your gift in this form.

Please contact the AALAS Foundation for further details at foundation@aalas.org or 901.754.8620.

Gift types recommended for Young Donors are denoted with a “YD” designation, gift types recommended for Mid-Life Donors are denoted with “MD” and gift types recommended for Senior Donors are denoted with “SD”.

An outright gift to the AALAS Foundation is a great way to make an immediate impact for the Foundation while also receiving a tax deduction. Outright gifts can be directed as one time gifts and/or your pledge can be fulfilled over time. (YD, MD, SD)

Charitable IRA – Required Minimum Distributions Gift (SD)

  1. Donor contributes a portion of their Required Minimum Distribution from a qualifying IRA.
  2. Contribution counts toward a donor’s minimum.
  3. Donor realizes a reduction in taxes on RMD withdrawals during the year the gift is made.

Annuity gifts come in various forms, but the purpose is largely the same – to help you ensure income and security for yourself or loved ones while also making transformative giving possible for a cause you care deeply about. Donors may also choose to make an annuity gift part of their will or trust arrangements.

Deferred-Payment Gift Annuity(YD, MD)

  1. Donor makes a gift to charity, charity invests the gift in the market.
  2. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  3. Donor and/or their selected beneficiaries receive annuity payments starting at a date in the future that they select (payments commencing upon retirement is a popular choice).
  4. Charity receives the remainder of the gift upon the donor or selected beneficiary’s passing.

Pooled Income Fund(YD, MD)

  1. Donors make irrevocable gifts to a pooled fund managed by a Trust – Trust invests these assets.
  2. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  3. Donor receives quarterly, annual, or alternatively-scheduled payments from the fund based on fund terms and performance.
  4. Charity receives the remainder of the assets upon the donor’s passing.

Charitable Remainder Trust(YD, MD, SD)

  1. Donor makes a gift to a Trust (charity can serve as a Trust), Trust invests the gift in the market.
  2. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  3. Donor-selected beneficiaries receive annuity checks from the Trust for a set term or lifetime.
  4. Charity receives the remainder of the gift upon the end of term or the beneficiary’s passing.

Charitable Lead Trust(MD, SD)

  1. Donor makes a gift to a Trust (charity can serve as a Trust), Trust invests the gift in the market.
  2. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  3. Trust provides annuity checks to selected charities for a set term.
  4. Donor or beneficiaries receive the reminder of the gift upon the end of the term.

Charitable Gift Annuity(MD, SD)

  1. Donor makes a gift to charity, charity invests the gift in the market.
  2. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  3. Donor receives annuity checks from the charity for life (spousal option are also available).
  4. Charity receives the remainder of the gift upon the donor’s (and spouse’s) passing.

Beyond outright an annuity gifts, you have a variety of additional options to give you the flexibility you need to build an effective financial plan and meet your personal, family, and philanthropic goals. Donors may also choose to make some of these options part of their will or trust arrangements.

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, Or Other Assets(YD, MD, SD)

  1. Gifts of appreciated assets provide donors with tax benefits that can be spread out over time. Timing is usually an important factor here for donors.

Donor-Advised Funds(MD, SD)

  1. Donor creates and makes contributions to a Donor Advised Fund at a Community Foundation or charity.
  2. Foundation or charity invests the gift in the market.
  3. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  4. Donor-Advised Fund contributes to select charities over time in line with the donor’s wishes.

Gifts of Real Estate(MD, SD)

  1. Donor contributes personal residence, farm, commercial building or other real estate to charity.
  2. Donor receives a tax deduction.
  3. Donor continues to live in and maintain the home during their lifetime (in the case of the gifting of a personal residence).
  4. Charity receives a personal residence upon donors no longer needing the residence or their passing (in the case of the gifting of a personal residence).

Some versions of real estate gifts allow donors to receive income from the asset if desired.

Wealth Replacement Life Insurance Strategy(MD SD)

  1. Donor donates an appreciated asset to charity and realizes tax savings.
  2. Donor uses tax savings to purchase a life insurance policy and names their beneficiaries.
  3. Beneficiaries receive life insurance benefits as per policy terms.

Life Insurance Charity Beneficiary of Policy Rider(MD, SD)

  1. Donor designates a charity as a beneficiary in their life insurance policy.
  2. Charity receives a portion of life insurance benefits upon the donor’s passing.

Life Insurance Policy Donation (MD, SD)

  1. Donor designates a charity as a beneficiary of an entire life insurance policy.
  2. Charity receives the entirety of the life insurance benefits upon the donor’s passing.


  1. Donor makes a specific provision for a charity in their will or testament.
  2. Charity receives the gift upon the donor’s passing.