Your generous donation to the AALAS Foundation not only helps with innumerable projects in which the AALAS Foundation is involved, but it also proves beneficial to you in the following ways:

Online Donations

You may make an online donation using our secure web form or by submitting the interactive contribution form below.

Online Contribution

Interactive Contribution Form (PDF)

Mail or Fax

To donate by fax or mail, complete the Contribution Form (PDF) and send it to:

AALAS Foundation
9190 Crestwyn Hills Drive
Memphis, TN 38125
Fax: 901-753-0046

Memorial Gifts

Make a lasting tribute to the memory of a loved one, friend, co-worker, companion animal, or research animal with a gift to the AALAS Foundation. The family will receive an acknowledgement of your gift if that information is included on the Contribution Form (PDF) or envelope you send in with your gift.   

Partners in Sharing Monthly Giving Program

Join the AALAS Foundation's Partners in Sharing monthly giving program and be part of a special group of people supporting the AALAS Foundation's each month! A $10 monthly donation can help support the cost of shipping approximately 8,000 pieces of free mice and frog origami outreach materials a year. A monthly donation of $50, over a year's time, will help cover the cost of approximately three days of a highly targeted online video awareness campaign.

Become a monthly donor and help dispel the misconceptions and false information about the work being done in biomedical research.

Click HERE and sign up today to participate in our Partners in Sharing Monthly Giving Program!

United Way Donation (Choose #060730)

Did you know that, if you do not designate a specific charity for your donation, you inadvertently could be undermining our profession? Your donations to the local United Way or Combined Federal campaigns could be going to groups opposed to laboratory animal-based research. Both of these umbrella campaigns automatically allocate some of the donations to smaller non-profit organizations and, unfortunately, some of these organizations are opposed to the appropriate use of laboratory animals. The AALAS Foundation is not automatically allocated a portion of your donation; rather you must designate the AALAS Foundation as your intended recipient. To ensure that your United Way donation goes to the AALAS Foundation, write on the donation card the AALAS Foundation’s United Way number, 060730.

Planned Giving

A planned giving program helps you enjoy tax savings through careful structuring and timing of your donation. While the actual tax benefits are determined by several factors including your tax bracket, the type of gift, etc., careful planning can provide benefits for both you, the donor, and the AALAS Foundation.

Bequests are the most common form of planned gift, with a specific dollar amount named or a residual bequest to the AALAS Foundation. Bequests frequently are used to support an organization’s endowment as a way to help the organization develop a stable funding base for the future.

Some of the common assets given to charitable organizations include stocks and bonds and mutual funds. The AALAS Foundation has letters of transfer that can be used if you decide to give your gift in this form. Please contact the AALAS Foundation for further details at or 901.754.8620.

If you have other assets you would like to transfer, please contact the AALAS Foundation. Each gift must be evaluated individually, and we will be happy to work with you.

Click here for more information on our Planned Giving Program.

Employer Matching Gifts

Many companies and institutions offer employees the opportunity to double their gifts to nonprofit organization. By matching the employee’s charitable giving to qualified nonprofits, the company supports their employees’ desire to give something back to the community. Please check with your company to see if a matching gifts program is offered where you work.

We will provide your company the information needed to qualify the AALAS Foundation for your company’s matching gift program. Please have your Human Resources or Accounting Department contact us for the necessary information or send us the forms to be filled out.

General Fund

Contributions to the General Fund are used for nonspecific programs and grants within the AALAS Foundation's mission and to fund some of the various operating expenses of the AALAS Foundation.

Endowment Fund

Contributions are invested in a perpetual endowment that will provide ongoing support of the AALAS Foundation's mission. You may designate that your contribution be used to help grow the endowment.

Silent and Live Auction

Are you looking for a way to advance biomedical research and gain valuable exposure for your company?

The AALAS Foundation is holding its annual Silent and Live Auction at the AALAS National Meeting this year.  Proceeds from this fun-filled event support the AALAS Foundation's efforts to educate the public about the essential role of animals in biomedical research.

How to Make an Auction Donation

To donate to the AALAS Foundation's Silent and Live Auction, please fill out our Silent and Live Auction Contribution Form Auction donation pledges received by August 15st will be recognized in the AALAS National Meeting Program.